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You may assume that crimes relating to petit larceny are not severe, or they do not require a petit larceny lawyer. The offense is like any other, and fighting for petit larceny charges reduction or dismissal can reduce the offence’s impact on your future.
At Norman Mattar, we have a qualified and experienced legal team committed to providing the best defense you can get to fight your embezzlement, theft, and fraud charges. They will fight your petit larceny charges to eliminate any jail sentence, conviction, or fine. We have worked on successful cases with several customers, and through our experience, we will work in your defense.
What does petit larceny mean?
Petit larceny is interpreted as a misdemeanor theft offense in New York City. It is, therefore, the least-severe type of theft in New York, but that does not mean such charges are insignificant. If you committed the crime, the potential costs are one year in jail, a $1,000 crime fine, or both. You can, therefore, not ignore the offence and assume you can handle it yourself.
What does the law say about petit larceny?
Each type of robbery or theft is categorized in a single section of the New York Penal Law. New York state has consolidated all theft statutes, and they will quickly know where every charge falls whenever a person accesses or uses services unlawfully.
In New York, other statutes cover other criminal offenses involving violence or other additional elements such as robbery, burglary or identity theft. The petit larceny state is found in Section 155.25 of the New York Penal Law. The statute is easy to comprehend, as it states that petit larceny is the theft of any property. As much as the rule is clear, a petit-theft lawyer must consult other theft statutes to define the crime of petit larceny better. The attorney must not understate n or overstate the law during the defense.
According to New York law, stealing any property valued at $1,000 or above is no longer classified under petit larceny. The crime has risen to the class of grand theft, a Class E felony.
What are the larceny charges?
The New York Penal Code categorizes larceny into two; petit and grand larceny. According to article 165 of the New York Penal Code, a person is guilty of petit-larceny charges after stealing property. A petit-larceny charge is classified as a Class A misdemeanor meaning the value of the stolen item is not beyond $1,000. A Class A misdemeanor for larceny charges can carry from a minimum sentence of conditional charges to the severest punishment of up to 12 months jail sentence. After committing the crime, you may also be sentenced to community service, part-time incarceration or probation. Besides, you may lose your public office, professional licenses, or employment.
It is considered grand larceny if you commit a more serious crime than petit larceny. It involves a felony sentence and classifies the seriousness of the felony charge by degrees. The degree of your offense will determine the costs you face and the possible jail sentence.
Why will you need Norman Mattar to defend your petit-larceny case?
You want a petit-larceny defense lawyer with the skills and experience in larceny defense to guarantee a win. At Norman Mattar, we will ensure you get just such a lawyer.
We have been successful with many cases and have built a reputation for our high-quality defenses. We understand how devastating it is to have a court case and how overwhelming it is to find the right attorney for each case. We have therefore dedicated some of our practice to larceny offense. Contact us today, and we will prove we are your right choice.