Will Rehab Help My DWI Case in New York State?

Will Rehab Help My DWI Case in New York State

If you’re facing a charge of DWI (driving while intoxicated) in New York State, you might feel overwhelmed and unsure about your next steps. “Will going to rehab help my court case?” is a common question and an important one. We’re here to shed some light on the subject. Consulting with a skilled criminal defense… Read more »

What Does Impaired Driving Include In New York State?

A driver holding alcoholic bottle while driving

Buffalonians withstand the frigid snow all winter.  Many await summer, not just to escape the snow, but partly because Buffalo hosts many festivals, parades, art shows and farmer’s markets celebrating the city’s rich ethnic heritage.  While eating great food at these events, many participants also consume alcohol. These same people who drive their motor vehicles… Read more »

Common DWI Questions

More Wine or Enough. Question mark over a wine glass on a white background

FAQ: I Got A DWI, What Is Going To Happen To Me?  If you got pulled over for a DWI in the state of New York, you are likely wondering what is going to happen to you! Although nothing is set in stone, there are a number of common questions you probably have.  If you… Read more »

Can You Refuse A Field Sobriety Test In New York?

Police officer demonstrating a field sobriety test to a motorist.

Yes, but you should talk to an attorney before you either take the test or refuse. A DWI is an offense that is prosecuted aggressively in New York. One of the most controversial yet important laws is the implied consent law. Under New York’s implied consent law, any motorist with a valid driving license automatically… Read more »

Can I Get My License Back After a DWI? (in NY)

New York State driver license in wallet

Driving under the influence (DUI) is one of the leading causes of road accident fatalities in the United States. The misdemeanor carries hefty penalties, including suspension of your driver’s license. Of course, your license can also be suspended if you commit other road traffic rules violations, but they often carry less suspension time compared to driving while… Read more »

How Much Does a DUI/DWI Cost in Legal Fees?

Handcuffs on $100 Bills on Concrete Floor for Crime or DUI

New York’s judicial system is very tough on DWI and DWI offenses because of the potential dangers involved, especially injurious or fatal car accidents. Besides jail time, probation, and license suspension, other consequences of a DWI include fines and other financial penalties. Hiring a good DWI lawyer is necessary.   What is the average cost of… Read more »

The Facts About New York State DWI Laws

Whiskey with car keys and handcuffs

In the state of New York, approximately 30% of all fatal crashes are alcohol-related. This devastating fact is the reason why DWI laws exist both in New York and throughout the country. Officials understand that there are severe dangers presented when any individuals are driving under the influence, and that is why they are so… Read more »

Practical Steps to Take After a DUI/DWI

driving while intoxicated

If you have been arrested for DWI, the experience can be frightening and overwhelming, especially if it is your first arrest. The occurrence can bring confusion on what steps you should take to get out of the situation or make the process easier. Some of the stressing issues could be how you can ensure you… Read more »